Monday, March 13, 2006


    Bardiac says that I have long known:
    "(What does it say that I discourage my best students from studying to do what I do? I love what I do, after all. But the job market is horrid, and anyone coming from Northwoods U, and competing against students from Ivies or near Ivies is going to have a heck of a time getting into the best programs or having any real shot at jobs. )"

    In graduate school I was warned--actually questioned--about continuing with my studies. It went something like this:

    WiseAss (he was both): Why are you studying English--there are no jobs for non-minorities.
    Me: It is something that I love and I can't imagine not doing...
    WA: [rolling his eyes]well good luck on that.

    He was, by the way, a post-structuralist critic with Derrida on his dissertation committee. I blew him off because:
    A. he was a post-structuralist with Derrida on his committee
    B. I felt him to be an officious pin-head with little knowledge of the "real world"
    C. I still had a missionary zeal.

    Ten years down the road, I've got nowhere to run...I've got nowhere to go (with apologies to Bruce).

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