Tuesday, May 16, 2006

    Diana Blaine--tit for tat

    In case you have missed it, Diana Blane, recently lauded by Bitch PhD, caught the ire of one Cardinal Martini aka Andrew Wintrhop Cunningham III (the blogger apparently likes to create personas) by posting an editorial in the University of Southern California's campus newspaper (the Daily Trojan) where she argues that the most recent rape charges besmear the reputation of the college (USC is a perrenial football powerhouse--this last year coming in second to UT).

    Cardinal Martini took especial offense to the line: But because only men rape and only men can stop other men from raping.

    In the context of the article (Blane contrasts the rhetoric of the Torjans head coach against sexual violence and the noticable absence of any team representatives at the Take Back the Night rally), such a statement calls for bipartisan action (male and female) to rally to the issue. Martini took offense, not wanting to lumped into a gender-group and certainly wanting to take no share in the blame. He then went on a personal crusade againt Blaine helped by the posting of some topless photos on her flicker-linked blog.

    As a writer and professor of female studies, Blaine writes at length about coming to terms with body image and female empowerment.

    I don't know if I will advocate every word she says, but I am sure glad that she is out there talking. As for cardinal m...why so irrate?


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