Thursday, August 03, 2006


    Blogger Miranda said...

    For balance, many cc students could get into the so-called elites and have no desire to. Beyond saying I did my undergrad at Ann Arbor, exactly why would I want to put up with a large cohort of spoiled 20 year olds?

    In keeping with your point, many "elites" also have programs in place that make it very difficult to transfer into their institutions from anywhere. I know Dean Dad has done quite a few blog posts on the issue.

    Additionally, I heard at a meeting at my former school that the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation was giving UMich a significant amount of $$ to improve their cc transfer admit rate. I would go find my information but I am feeling much too lazy right now.

    This is all anecdotal, but several peers from my former school transfered there and felt they were well prepared by the cc for their coursework. Most of the those who started at the cc did so for financial reasons. Let's face it, intro classes are pretty consistent across the educational spectrum and a cc costs maybe a third of what U-M charges.

    Thursday, August 03, 2006  
    Blogger Piss Poor Prof said...

    I think that you are consistent with my point. CCs are meant to be a reasonable alternative to a 4 year U. But, those two options are not created equally. There is a class line in who attends the former and latter.

    My point, which I think follows the article, is that the US's perception is one that the best and brightest will have every means of top access.

    They will not.

    Friday, August 04, 2006  
    Blogger Miranda said...

    I think few people truly believe that the best and brightest have equal opportunities. Or else why an entire cottage industry for getting into the Ivies?

    Friday, August 04, 2006  
    Blogger Natalia said...

    I did a year at a CC. But then again I was in their interdisciplinary honors program. I got into NYU. But decided it was too expensive and opted for CUNY. It was a good decision. I'd still be paying off the loans otherwise.


    Monday, August 07, 2006  
    Blogger Piss Poor Prof said...

    Natalia, you would define the exception. The study does say that 3% do make it. The counter-argument to myself would be that only 3% of cc students want to go on...or that Ivy is the epitome.

    Of course, it is hard to argue against the brand name of the Ivys...even NYU. Given a specific field of study, the loans would be an investment...saying that, I know that one can easily over-invest in liberal arts. There is little return on the money there. :(

    Tuesday, August 08, 2006  

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