Thursday, May 10, 2007

    Why not to be a slut: reason 425

    The BBC reports that oral sex leads to throat cancer. One more reason not to be a slut. That is, if women were just good girls, they wouldn’t get hurt or sick. They bring it on themselves, really.

    At least that is the continued, underlying assumption. The article cites a study appearing in the NE Journal of Medicine (so it must be true) that in 300 people who didn’t smoke or drink (more slutty behavior), that the incidence in throat cancer was “almost nine times higher for people who reported oral sex with more than six partners.”

    It seems that the study consisted of asking newly diagnosed with oropharyngeal cancer about their medical history and sex lives. If there was previous evidence of oral HPV virus, then the incidence of cancer rose 72%. So, they conclude, that oral HPV is a leading contributor to cancer of the throat. OK, I follow that.

    Then the researchers make the leap that the best means of transporting HPV to the throat comes, as it were, through sex play. But, buried away from the headlines and leading paragraphs is this chestnut:

    Oral sex was said to be the main mode of transmission of HPV but the researchers said mouth-to-mouth transmission, for example through kissing, could not be ruled out.

    Or this one:

    Dr Julie Sharp, science information officer at Cancer Research UK, said: "There is conflicting evidence about the role of HPV, and this rare type of mouth cancer.”

    So, when you dig a little deeper, they really don’t know if there is a direct link from crotch HPV and oral HPV, nor do they really know the means or the method of the cancer’s growth.

    But, just to be safe girls, keep your mouths closed. We would all feel better. [ßextreme sarcasm for the online impaired]

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    Blogger Tim Lacy said...

    Also, I wonder if those who like to engage in oral sex might hang out in places where second-hand smoke abounds? I didn't read the report (just glanced at our BBC link), but you always wonder what was controlled in the experiment/study. - TL

    Thursday, May 10, 2007  
    Blogger Miranda said...

    How much you want to bet that if men were getting the mouth cancer from HPV that the headline would read: Having sexual contact with women with multiple sex partners increases risk of cancer.

    Same message: Girls Are Sluts.

    How about: Men - Keep your johnson in good, clean working order.

    I'm taking an upper level stats class this term and my instructor uses NEJM as an egregious example of stats misapplied.

    Nice to see you blogging more again. :)

    Thursday, May 10, 2007  
    Blogger Natalia said...

    Ahhh blaming women has been a tradition from the bible on. Suckage.

    And it sucks that everything that's fun could possibly kill us.


    Monday, May 14, 2007  

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