Tuesday, April 01, 2008

    What Podcasting can be--Challenge

    A previous posting offered Duncan's The History of Rome as a podcasting "best of breed."

    To this post, Dr. Lacy took me to task, offering a critique (see the comments to the link above) of the podcasts.

    I say to my readers: do you know of better? Do you have a good example of a podcast worthy of sharing (or dare I say of assigning?)?

    Share with us.

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    Blogger Tim Lacy said...

    I concede that I don't know of better. Perhaps Lars Brownworth's Byzantine series is better? I haven't yet been able to listen to Brownworth's podcasts.

    But my concession doesn't mean the Mr. Duncan has achieved podcasting Nirvana. I tire of Duncan's forced emotion and use of cliches. The cliches have come up more in the past 3-4 episodes. Maybe they'll diminish? I also wish he'd cite his sources, even if only as a recommended readings list at the end of the episodes.

    BTW: I'm still listening to Duncan's series. I just finished the two-parter on the transition from phalanxes. - TL

    Wednesday, April 02, 2008  
    Blogger Piss Poor Prof said...

    I have the Byzantine series, but I have yet to get the time to listen.

    Also, don't read my incorrectly. The History of Rome is strong, but that may be by comparison. He does a lot of things right (length of episodes, attempts to engage the subject with emotion, not overly scholastic, etc.). But I will also concede that there is room for improvement.

    Perhaps I am a bit more forgiving of his style than you. I find engaging, dynamic history profs (much like lit/comp) to be few and far between, so I take what good I can when I can.

    I do agree that the more scholastic information (references, etc.) could be posted on his supporting blog (check that out if you haven't--there is a link in the iTunes store).

    Wednesday, April 02, 2008  

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